Can hypnosis help for weight loss....nurturing long term success?

weight loss Sep 25, 2024
Looking in the mirror

Take a moment to imagine you’re in your kitchen, your arm reaches out, opens the fridge before you are even consciously aware of it. It’s been a long day, your exhausted, the children are a handful,  perhaps you’ve had a heated discussion with a friend, and even though you’re not particularly hungry, you reach for something sugary or salty. This act of eating is a way of your body choosing to “push a feeling down with food”.

In moments when you feel overwhelmed it may seem easier to do this than recognise those uncomfortable feelings and process them. We are quite literally looking for ways to feel satisfied or fulfilled. If you are overwhelmed and have a lot going on, then it’s likely you are not meeting your needs, the parts of you that need to be satisfied or fulfilled in other ways.

This pattern seems automatic. And if it sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

Weight loss isn't just about following a diet or exercising more; it’s about untangling years of subconscious habits, beliefs, and emotional ties to food. This is where hypnosis can be a transformative approach to weight loss — not a magic trick, although sometimes I think it is magic, but a powerful method to rewire your brain, break unhealthy patterns, and help you build lasting habits for weight loss.

The Power of Your Subconscious Habits

From the moment you were born you’ve developed strong associations with food. Perhaps, as a little girl, you were rewarded with sweets for good behaviour or consoled with a treat after a difficult day. The emotional connections you have with food often follow into adulthood, becoming automatic behaviours, outside of your conscious awareness — like reaching for a snack whenever you feel stressed, tired, or anxious, then wondering how you ate half a wheel of brie, or a packet of biscuits, or a large chocolate bar, without even realising.

Hypnosis can help you address these deep-rooted patterns. Imagine pressing a stop button on your automatic behaviours, creating new ones, allowing you to make conscious choices. You may begin to ask yourself, “Am I really hungry right now?” or “what do I really need right now” or “what am I feeling right now”.

The great thing is hypnotherapy can help you break free from the cycle of emotional eating, replacing it with healthier habits that align with your long-term goals.

Aligning Your Conscious Wants With Unconscious Needs

You want to lose weight but it can feel daunting, especially if over the years you’ve tried various diets and exercise routines that left you frustrated and fed up. But, using hypnotherapy you can reframe your approach to food and body image, making the journey feel less like a punishment and more like an act of self-care.

The process helps you see food as fuel for your body’s needs, rather than as a reward this rewiring of thought patterns doesn’t just lead to temporary change — it creates a lasting transformation.

Accountability: The Missing Piece

While hypnosis can kick-start your weight loss journey by helping you address your emotional ties to food, it’s equally important to combine this with accountability. 

You can have everything else in place, the imagery work, the exercise, the meals, mini strategies, but accountability plays a major role in maintaining this. It may be a trusted friend, a coach, or a support group, but having someone to cheer you on and keep you accountable will create consistency, giving you a nudge when you’re finding it challenging and reminding you of your long term goals. Sometimes it can be hard to see those small changes, simply because when you use hypnosis they may be outside of your conscious awareness – but someone else will notice them and they can reassure you that changes are happening.

This is where hypnosis sessions can be beneficial for you. You’ll have a structured way to continue making progress, with each session reinforcing the positive changes you’ve begun to make. It’s like having a personal mindset coach helping you stay motivated and committed to your goals.

If you have longer term goals I advise that you check in once a month, after the initial work. If you want a check-in weekly by messaging then we can do that too.

Hypnosis for Motivation and Exercise

You know that moving your body is key to weight loss, but motivation can be elusive. Often, you know you should exercise, but the pull of the sofa after a long day seems stronger.

Hypnosis, can help you cultivate a mindset where exercise becomes a natural and enjoyable part of your routine.

Instead of battling with yourself to “find the time,” you’ll start to feel a desire to move, because your mind and body will be working together. Hypnosis helps you reframe exercise as a nourishing, energising activity rather than a chore. You begin to look forward to it, because it’s a time to honour and take care of yourself.

I often collaborate with other professionals such as personal trainers that I know are excellent and can tailor programmes that work for you whatever stage of life you are at.  If this is something you are interested in you can get a completely tailored approach. I found this particularly helpful myself as I navigated peri-menopause. For me it was much easier to ensure that the habits and behaviours were in place when I knew that the exercise I was doing and food I was eating was right for me as an individual.

My goal as someone who was peri-menopausal was to gain muscle and reduce fat.  If could lose a dress size that would be great, but that wasn’t my focus, it was strength and mobility.

I used hypnosis and saw a PT. It took a bit of time to get the formula right, but when I saw in a couple of weeks my fat go down 11.4% and my muscle go up 11.4% — I knew I’d hit the jackpot. At that point I really focused in on the hypnosis imagery to ensure that the habits I had in place continued that trajectory.

The Importance of Healthy Eating

Nutrition also plays a significant role in weight loss, but the goal shouldn’t be perfection — it should be progress. With hypnosis, you don’t need to eliminate entire food groups or follow rigid meal plans. Instead, you develop a healthier relationship with food, listening to what your body needs. This is so important, because when we are at different stages of our life we need different things.

With the hypnosis tracks that I do, the focus isn’t on losing weight, it’s about naturally choosing more nourishing, wholesome foods because you want to, not because you’re forcing yourself. This shift feels empowering — it’s not about restriction, but rather about respecting and fuelling your body in the best way possible.

Are you ready for your shift?

Hypnosis is gentle and powerful. I always say to clients, you have to stop trying, and just allow it to work its magic. Often people don’t even notice that they are not snacking anymore.

This is because we are working with that part of your brain which is about automatic behaviours, you don’t think about brushing your teeth, you just do it. You don’t think about how to switch a kettle on you just do it as it’s a normal everyday thing that you do (unless you have an AGA kettle or a stove top kettle!).

What you will notice is a your clothes are loser, you may feel stronger, or lighter in yourself. Letting go of the stress of losing weight is a powerful shift in itself and leads to surprising results.

If you want to know more you can drop me a message, book in for a clarity call, buy a download, or book a session either online or in Melton Mowbray or Grantham.

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